Professor Wang Xiangming, Associate Dean of Our School, Was Invited to Give Lectures for the Theory Learning Center Group of Yunnan Provincial Party Committee

Upload time: May 11, 2021


On April 14, at the invitation of the Yunnan Provincial Party Committee of the Communist Party of China, professor Wang Xiangming, associate dean of the Institute of Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era, Renmin University of China (short for Xi Thought Institute), gave special lectures for the Theory Learning Center Group of Yunnan Provincial Party Committee on the in-depth study and implementation of General Secretary Xi Jinping’s important ideas and proposals on the comprehensive and strict governance of the Party and Party central committee’s strategic plan for exercising full and strict Party self-governance in the new stage. Comrade Ruan Chengfa, secretary of the Yunnan Provincial Party Committee of the Communist Party of China, presided over the meeting. Members of the Theory Learning Center Group, relevant provincial leaders and responsible comrades of all departments participated in the learning activity.

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In his report, professor Wang Xiangming delivered a report from the following three aspects: major innovation in the theory and practice of Marxist political parties, the important background of General Secretary Xi Jinping’s important ideas and proposals on the comprehensive and strict governance of the Party, and profound understanding of the scientific connotation of Xi Jinping’s important ideas and proposals on the comprehensive and strict governance of the Party. His report on the in-depth study and implementation of General Secretary Xi Jinping’s important ideas and proposals on the comprehensive and strict governance of the Party and Party central committee’s strategic plan for exercising full and strict Party self-governance in the new stage was highly praised by the comrades present. Secretary Ruan Chengfa made a summary statement that professor Wang Xiangming’s course embodies the profound knowledge and rigorous attitude of a Marxist theoretical scholar, and is full of passion, simple but profound, and extremely appealing.

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Yunnan Daily, Yunnan News of Yunnan TV, and other media reported on the study activity.

Sources of some texts: