Wang Xiangming

Upload time: June 26, 2019

Wang Xiangming,Male, han nationality, born in November 1957, jianshui, yunnan province, a member of the communist party of China.In 1983, he graduated from yunnan college of traditional Chinese medicine with a bachelor's degree in traditional Chinese medicine.In 1988, he graduated from the second bachelor degree class of ideological and political education in the department of social sciences of tsinghua university, and obtained the second bachelor degree of law.In 2002, he graduated from the school of marxism, renmin university of China, majoring in marxist theory and ideological and political education.In 2002, he graduated from the school and taught in the department of sinicization of marxism in the school of marxism.He is currently a professor and doctoral supervisor of the school of marxism, renmin university of China, vice President of the institute of xi jinping thought on socialism with Chinese characteristics for a new era, a full-time researcher of the research center for the theoretical system of socialism with Chinese characteristics, and a distinguished teacher of the party school, renmin university of China.He is also the main member of the national marxist theory research and construction project research group, the tutor of "national college student backbone training school" of the central committee of the communist youth league, and a member of the expert group of Beijing cadre theoretical education teachers group.